The following is part of a response to a post by Richard Puyt and follows a sort of challenge by George Siemens.
A business person should really the ultimate as an educated person. The social sciences are important, scientific methodology and statistics, mathematics, engineering, design, technology, I could go on and on, but mixing all that stuff together and keeping things in balance is also difficult (See this article that is also relevant to EBMgmt)
Maybe it’s time not to specialize and professionalize in business education, but to re-define what a liberally educated person should be. The liberal arts studies are rooted in the 19th century. What would be a liberal education for the 21st Century. We might be at a beginning. Blogs have become the education commons or agora connected with open source education. What would you consider as the most important items to include in a common body of business management? Where are we going? A quote from George Siemens is relevant:
In my youth, I went on a silent spiritual retreat. Days without speaking – except for ~1 hour each day with a spiritual adviser. On day 3, he made a statement that has guided much of my thinking since: never move away from something – you never know where you’ll end up…always walk toward something – this ensures you end up where you want to be. If we desire to do away with universities because we think they are obsolete (and in many ways, they are), we really don’t know what the future will look like. Change is about moving toward what we desire. But many reform advocates are not really clear on this yet. For that matter, I’ll direct the question to you: What type of higher education system are you moving toward? What are you working to achieve?
Hi Howard,
The future of education should be permanent education. For the simple reason that 50% of the knowledge is obsolete within 5 years after graduation. In law, accounting and medicine we already have permanent eduction (professionals need to acquire a certain amoount of ‘points’ per year to stay certified. These ‘points’ can be gained from following courses). Society is too complex to rely a lifetime on the knowledge you (once upon a time) acquired in University.
In the Netherlands there is an amusing discussion on the reform of the higher educational system. The system was originally designed for 5% of the workforce. However, since a change in the political climate over the last 10 years, it now it has to accommodate 50% (!!) of the workforce. This is a political ambition of Western nations to create a workforce of knowledge workers (a term first coined by management guru Peter Drucker). One wonder what has changed in the IQ distribution in the Netherlands….
Have a nice weekend,